My Incredible Ancestor is a new podcast series where we look at remarkable family stories, which go from the truly inspirational to the bizarre.
In the first episode, Andrea Thiis-Evensen tells Shiamak Unwalla about her mother Charlotte who acted in an infamously terrible Norwegian cult movie – A Story About Love (DIS – en historie om kjærlighet), in 1995. Charlotte has since become a reputed journalist and producer who parties with Game of Thrones’ Kristofer "Tormund Giantsbane" Hivju.
Produced by: Andrea Thiis-Evensen and Shiamak Unwalla.
Edited by: Shiamak Unwalla.
Music: Movin’ On - http://www.purple-planet.com (http://www.purple-planet.com/using-our-free-music/4583818250)