Tap-dancing, anti-authoritarian, religious penguins? Join Mon and Nick as they descend down the rabbit hole of George Miller’s best film series, connecting it to the highly inferior (we joke) Mad Max series, penguin boobs and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
WARNING: This podcast contains reference to suicide. If this raises concerns for you, contact Lifeline: 13 11 14.
Hosts: Monica Ouk, Nicholas Arnott
Editor: Monica Ouk
Works Cited: George Miller Interview on Mad Max: Fury Road “On the politiques des auteurs” – André Bazin, 1957, Precious Bodily Fluids How Generation Gaps Work. HowStuffWorks Our society is obsessed with masculinity, and it’s making me tired, Dejan Jotanovic Masculine traditions still rule in study of Australian men, Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) Anti-Religious Symbolism in Happy Feet Institutions of the Offensive, Domestic Sources of Dispute Initiation in Authoritarian Regimes - Brain Lai and Dan Slater. NRSV Catholic Edition Bible. Happy Feet: The Movie Storybook